The Transition
Recently Carey DuRand has taken over as Youth Director here at Praise. Carey is officially replacing Brian, who has been in the role of Youth Pastor for the past 4+ years.
Carey is pastoral and apostolic and very good at leading and directing other people and encouraging them to excel. She has a lot of ideas and is effective at implementing those ideas.
She has accrued 18 youth volunteers, which is an unprecedented number, each of them solid leaders that are passionate about young people.
Brian's New Focus
Brian leads our Thursday night services, travels a good deal to preach, and also leads and teaches our in-house prophetic academy, The Unveiling Prophetic School. He, of course, will also preach from time to time on Sunday and with the Youth Group. Needless to say he is not idle with his time nor does he have a surplus of it because of this move.
i61 - For Freedom's Sake - Thursday Night Services
Itinerating - Brazil, Netherlands, Mozambique, Pittsburgh, etc.
Unveiling Prophetic School (Gamma Class)
Next year's Delta Class - the goal of which is to make it available ONLINE
Awakened Youth Time Change
- The Youth Group used to meet on Wednesday nights, from 6-8 PM. We are now meeting on Sundays at the same time, right after the Unveiling. The logic around the change was that more people would be available to attend Sunday evening meetings, as opposed to Wednesdays.
Apology - Communicating more clearly
We do apologize if this move seemed abrupt or it wasn't prefaced properly or explained with enough detail; we realize it could have been communicated more clearly. We do ask that you let us know if you have any questions about any of this and to trust our heart in the matter.
In summary, we want to leave you with these three points or take-aways.
1. Carey is more than capable of leading the youth group
2. Nothing has changed on our end in terms of how we value the next generation and our focus here at Praise to see to their maturation in Christ
3. All big decisions, like this one, are made with a unanimous consensus from our staff team and the pastoral council.
Thank you,
Praise Staff