Hello everyone , my name is Jen Mattheu, I am the Next Gen. Director at Praise Community Church. I am super excited for this next season and look forward to getting to know everyone. Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Phone: 717-887-7076
Summer Schedule:
Fun In The Son!!!
Join us Wednesday evenings 6pm-8pm
June 26TH- Join us in the Coffee House for a night of games, a lesson, and ICE CREAM!!!
July 3rd - Game Night!!! Bring a favorite game & friend!!!
VBS July 8th-12th. No Awakened Youth
July 17th - Mini-golf & Ice Cream @ Jim Macks in Hellam!!
Stay tuned for the rest of our summer events!!
Coming Up:
We've come to the close of another season and as always, we give praises to our King.
We look forward to what's ahead but we also honor what has come behind.
We have ten Seniors moving on to the next chapter of their lives, and we celebrate their accomplishments and their faithfulness to the Lord.
More students will join us as we move forward into all that's yet to come, and as the tides change and we embrace what's new, may we remain rooted in one truth that forever remains the same.
Jesus sits on the throne of grace and mercy.
His love knows no end.
In Him, we will find our hiding place.
In Him, we will find our home.
Stay faithful Awakened fam.
One chapter ends while another begins.
YOUTH LEADERS & Volunteers
Steven Leiphart
Betsy Coldiron
Adrienne Berkeley
Heather Hilker
Missy Forster
Grace Forster
Sophie Billet
Morgan Benshoof
Steve Armstrong
Victor & Natalie Abad
Jen Hartman
Todd Holcomb
Jonathan Bruno
Jason Torrez
Amanda Ilgenfritz
Josiah Miller
Caleb Sevick
Chelsea & Jesse Kozak
Caleb & Abby Herbert
Corban Hitz
Tony Gotwalt
Joelleen Bortner
Carmen Witmer
Kristin Cardamone
Linda Pohl
Jessica & Scott Wood
Ty Bair
Ashley & Michael Gingher
Dawn Hilker
Michael DeRose
Noah Iser
Esperanza Trevino
Sawyer Robertson
Trina Robertson
Jeff Wesko
Ryan Lordan
Caitlyn Wood
Emilio Frenda