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  • Writer's pictureJoe D'Orsie

Meet Our Praise Pastoral Care Team

Updated: Jun 18, 2018

Romans 12:13 urges us to "share with the Lord's people who are in need" and "practice hospitality." Our Pastoral Care Team, which was established a few months ago, endeavors to live out this verse, and others like it. In their own words, this team exists to "meet the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of Praise members and regular attenders at times of illness, surgery and unexpected life circumstances." Already, in categories varying from physical help, like moving or home improvement, all the way to spiritual deliverance, this team has been making an impact and really meeting an array of needs. The PC Team and its unified goal among its some 75 members is unique in that not many churches are doing this. In fact, this was non-existent at Praise until about a half year ago, when some of us realized that we lacked the ability to practically meet the needs of the people around us. The election of the Christian to not only pray, worship, minister, and have community, but to recognize needs and meet them drove us to establish the Pastoral Care Team.

The Leaders

Gary & Diane Bartkowski are the heads our Pastoral Care Team. They oversee each of our need categories, and the leaders over those categories. Gary & Diane have been attending and serving at Praise since 2009, and they have a heart for helping people understand their identity in Christ, and they're passionate about restored relationships. During the week, Diane is an RN, while Gary is a Ceramnic Engineer. The Bartkowskis have two children and five grandchildren.

Our need categories are:

  • Counseling

  • Deliverance

  • Discipleship

  • Family

  • Fellowship

  • Financial

  • Home

  • Intercession

  • Physical

  • Visitation/Hospital

Contact Gary & Diane at


Online Needs Form (

Fill out one of these (see picture below) manually on a Thursday or Sunday, with as much information as possible, and place in one of our baskets on the stage in the sanctuary. They are located in the back pocket of every one of our red chairs in the sanctuary. If you're sitting in a front row, you're welcome to swipe one from somewhere else or grab one at the welcome desk.

We do have limits

We thank you in advance for understanding that the Pastoral Care Team is not capable of fielding every single request, as we are all volunteers with families and jobs. Also of note, this needs-meeting team is not designed to spring into action for every-day tasks that individuals, their families, and/or their friends can accomplish. Our physical help, especially, is available for circumstances that are somewhat extreme. We're also somethwat limited to helping Praise members and attendees, and their immediate families, and since we are plenty busy with that demographic, we don't really have the time to broaden our pool.

Other than our clear limits, it is our goal, simply, to cheerfully and selflessly meet needs. If you're a Praise-goer who wants to join our PC team or learn more, please do get a hold of us.


Praise Staff

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