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Here at Praise Community, we want to keep a high standard among our childcare and youth group volunteers and abide by the laws Pennsylvania has in place. In order to volunteer with our children and serve on different teams, we need to have copies of the following documents: 

Both the Child Abuse History and Pennsylvania Criminal Record Check are needed to confirm that our volunteers do not have a record of child abuse. These clearances are FREE for volunteers. Both clearances are valid for five years. After five years, they will need to be redone. 

Thank you for your willingness to serve at Praise Community Church and for your willingness to fulfill this requirement. If you have any further questions, please contact Raquel Cruz-Covington.


The links to step by step instructions on how to complete both clearances are below.


Completion online will give you immediate access to your clearance.


If the status is No Record, double click on the control number shown on the screen. Then click on Certification Form. Your clearance will be displayed and can be printed or saved as a PDF at that point. 


If the status is Request Under Review, you should periodically check the website to determine the final status. The result will eventually show up as No Record or Record. If it shows the later, a response will be mailed to you. Otherwise, navigate to Certificate Form and print it or save it as a PDF.


If the status is Pending, you should periodically check the website to determine final status. If it remains Pending for more than 24 hours, call the Help Line at 1-888-783-7972.


The system will take you to a screen to create a Keystone ID for your account.   


You will receive an email with a temporary password to access your account and change your password.


Use the Keystone ID and password you create to start the application. Please be sure to remember this Keystone ID/password for future use. This site is also the site used for online ChildLine referrals and clearance renewals in three years.


You will need to be prepared to supply information of all the addresses you have lived and every person you have lived with since 1975.


Completion will provide you online access to your clearance within two weeks and in some cases, immediately. Additionally, you can choose to have your clearance sent to your home or mailing address.

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