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Stay Tuned for Next Year's VBS

In Make Waves, kids will discover that what they do today can change the world around them. We will learn that God designed them for a purpose, that they are loved by Jesus, and that when they trust Him with their life they will have the ability to change the world around them.

Our Summer VBS is designed for children aged Kindergarten - 5th grade. This range applies to those kids going into Kindergarten to those entering 5th grade, and anywhere in between.

If you're interested in signing your child up for our 2023 VBS, or if you would like to volunteer, please click HERE.

And below are the links to DONATE needed items.  
**Remember, please do not ship items directly to the church as there may not be someone there to receive it.

Please note that it is required to be a regular attendee of Praise to volunteer at VBS. We are also unable to provide childcare to kids who are not yet old enough to attend VBS.

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